We associate energy-saving investments with retrofits of a large scale. However, replacing lighting with the LED fixtures will already bring tangible benefits. It is possible to expect the payback period of three years. We provide information on how to plan such an investment so that it does not burden a company’s budget.
Inefficient lighting system generates huge costs included in energy bills, it also affects negatively the work efficiency and safety. We recommend to have an energy audit performed to find potential savings. It is fundamental for well planned energy-saving investments.
What to consider while planning such an audit? What results can the lighting retrofit provide? In the newest article on cire.pl Piotr Danielski recalls a project implemented by DB Energy. It serves as a source of anwers for the following questions: which benefits are expected once LED fixtures are installed and how to manage an investment cost-free?
Go the latest release: https://efektywnosc-energetyczna.cire.pl/artykuly/serwis-informacyjny-cire-24/jak-wymienic-oswietlenie-w-firmie-nie-obciazajac-budzetu-przedsiebiorstwahttps://efektywnosc-energetyczna.cire.pl/artykuly/serwis-informacyjny-cire-24/jak-wymienic-oswietlenie-w-firmie-nie-obciazajac-budzetu-przedsiebiorstwa