Which means are needed to improve energy efficiency and, at the same time, to reduce tangibly CO2 emissions? Piotr Danielski, Ph.D.-Ing. answers the question in the newest article on cire.pl. You will learn about 5 ways which may be implemented by each company.
The article explains why it is worth performing a thorough company audit, what is the purpose of an energy efficiency audit, what is the payback period once a company implements cogeneration and what consumes more than 70% electrical energy in the industry.
We kindly invite you to read our article: https://efektywnosc-energetyczna.cire.pl/artykuly/serwis-informacyjny-cire-24/5-sposobow-jak-poprawic-efektywnosc-energetyczna-w-zakladach-przemyslowych-i-ograniczyc-emisje