Walk Through Audit – the first analysis on the way to decarbonization that pays off

To start the process of optimizing energy consumption, it is necessary to conduct a reliable analysis of the potential for savings and emission reduction. The Walk Through Audit offered by DB Energy is an effective tool that allows companies to quickly and cost-effectively identify the full range of actions leading to the reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks to this audit, the company gains an initial plan of action that can lead to significant energy and economic savings. It is also an excellent starting point for further actions related to decarbonization, energy transformation, and building a development strategy based on sustainable development and climate neutrality.

What is the Walk Through Audit?

The Walk Through Audit is a preliminary analysis of the company, aimed at identifying the potential for reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. It is an effective solution for companies that are just starting their path towards increasing energy efficiency, as well as for those that have already taken the first steps in this direction and want to confirm that they are using the available solutions to the fullest.

As part of the audit, DB Energy's engineering team analyzes the data provided by the company and conducts a site visit - a detailed review of the plant. On this basis, the engineers identify areas that can be optimized in terms of reducing energy consumption, gas emissions and lowering operating costs. Thanks to this audit, the company receives instructions on further actions that will enable it to achieve its energy efficiency and decarbonization goals.

How does a Walk Through Audit work?

A Walk Through Audit consists of several stages that allow for a systematic examination of the company's energy efficiency. Here are the audit stages:

Opening meeting

At the beginning of the audit, a meeting is held during which engineers get to know the management team and the structure of the plant. During the meeting, key elements are discussed, such as the company's energy balance, technological processes, and the specifics of energy consumption in the company. Engineers also present a list of data that will be needed to conduct the analysis.

On-site inspection

The next stage of the audit is a review of the plant. DB Energy engineers carry out a detailed review of the energy infrastructure, including sources of electricity, heat, cooling, and transmission networks, as well as building installations such as lighting, ventilation, air conditioning, heating systems, and technological devices. During the on-site inspection, places with increased energy consumption, energy losses, and areas that can be optimized are identified.

Data analysis

The most important part of the audit takes place after the on-site review: engineers analyze the collected data on energy management. They perform a series of calculations and estimates that show in which areas of the company energy is used least efficiently and where there is potential for optimization. On this basis, a long list of all possible implementations for improving energy efficiency is created.

Presentation of results and recommendations

Based on the collected data and the analysis, engineers prepare a report that includes proposals for such actions as modernization or construction of local energy sources, replacement of technological devices with more energy-efficient ones, modernization of energy systems, implementation of heat recovery, or optimization of technological processes. The report also contains recommended next steps that can be taken to achieve the demonstrated reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

Advantages of the Walk Through Audit

The Walk Through Audit has a number of benefits that make it an excellent tool for both companies that are just starting their journey towards energy efficiency and those that are looking for new areas of optimization. The most important advantages of the audit include:

  • Low costs – the Walk Through Audit is a relatively cheap service, which makes it accessible to most companies.
  • Short implementation time – the entire audit process, from initiation to presentation of results, takes place in a short time, which allows for quick identification of savings potential.
  • Wide optimization possibilities – the audit covers four main areas: energy sources (electricity, heat, cooling), buildings, energy networks, and technological processes. Thanks to this, the company can obtain a full picture of actions that allow for saving energy consumption and costs.
  • Preparation for further actions – the Walk Through Audit is a starting point for more advanced analyses, such as developing a detailed plan for improving energy efficiency, a zero-emission strategy, or preparing an investment for implementation.

Who is the Walk Through Audit for?

In particular, the Walk Through Audit is dedicated to:

Companies that are just starting their adventure with energy efficiency

These companies are often not yet fully aware of the areas in which they can save energy and reduce emissions. The Walk Through Audit is the first step, which allows for the quick identification of energy-saving opportunities and planning of further actions.

Companies that have already invested in improving energy efficiency but want to take the next steps

Companies that have already implemented some optimization projects can use the audit to verify the effects of previous actions and look for new modernizations or investments that will significantly reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs. The audit allows for an assessment of whether there is still room for further energy savings.

Companies looking for confirmation that they have done everything possible

The Walk Through Audit can be a kind of "confirmation" that the company has fully utilized its energy optimization capabilities. Thanks to this audit, you can make sure that the company has not omitted any important aspects related to reducing energy consumption and emissions.

Companies involved in various industries, including production, energy distribution, construction, and technological processes

The Walk Through Audit works in a wide range of industries because it covers many areas, including energy infrastructure, machinery, technological processes, and energy distribution systems, which can occur in different types of companies.

This service is, therefore, very flexible and can be used in both small and large companies that strive to improve energy efficiency, regardless of the level of their previous activities in this area.

What happens to the audit results?

After conducting a Walk Through Audit, the company receives a report with the results of the analysis. This report includes the identification of places with increased energy consumption, proposals for optimization actions, and recommendations for further steps. Based on the audit results, the company can start planning the implementation of specific actions in the field of improving energy efficiency. In the case of more advanced activities, such as modernization of energy systems or implementation of heat recovery solutions, the Walk Through Audit is the basis for further analyses, such as a feasibility study or preparation of an application for funding.

"The Walk Through Audit is an effective first step on the road to improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions. Thanks to the quick and accessible process, it allows companies to identify potential savings and set directions for further actions, supporting them in energy transformation and cost-effective decarbonization." says Dominik Brach, PhD, Vice President and co-founder of DB Energy.

To sum up, the Walk Through Audit is the first, essential tool on the way to improving energy efficiency and sustainable development of the company. Thanks to quick analysis, low costs, and wide optimization possibilities, companies can gain valuable information about areas where they can reduce energy consumption and emissions and achieve significant savings. It is an excellent starting point for implementing more advanced solutions that will contribute to lower operating costs, reduce emissions, and achieve goals related to energy transformation. The Walk Through Audit is an investment that brings benefits both at the initial diagnosis stage and in further actions towards sustainable development.